We have been really busy at the Club this spring and our Club kids are proud to showcase some of the great programs they have participated in. Check it out!
Mother’s Day
“Cheffin It Up” Cooking Class researched recipes and made cupcakes for all the Mother’s and Staff at the Club. The rest of the children worked on several Mother’s Day Banners and Cards to distribute along with the cupcakes to show the mother figures in their lives just how special they truly are.
Tobacco Prevention & Control Program:
Alyson Lang came to the Club and talked to our children about the harmful affects of tobacco use.
Botvin Life Skills / PFS RX:
Our teens conducted a session with our 10-12yr old Club members discussing prescription drugs and over the counter drugs and how to use them responsibly and how to look for signs of abuse and dependency.
“Cheffin It Up” Cooking Class:
Club kids researched and made Irish Egg Rolls. They were delicious!!
Boy Scout Troop 135:
They volunteered at the Club and helped spread mulch throughout our playground. Thank you Troop 135, you did an awesome job and showed our Club kids the importance of giving back to your community.